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webbie : 02/11/01 06:41 PM : Incident created |
- I just installed Mandrake, and have a adsl connection, and have fine internet acces, but my Licq or Gnomeicu will not send msg, i get messages just fine, anyone who can help me out here ???
I tried different servers at icq but in Licq I can't seem to adjust the server i connect to....
Linegod_7611 : 02/11/01 08:38 PM : More info requested |
- Do you have a firewall? If you do, did you adjust the firewall settings in LICQ?
yroagoex : 03/11/01 10:49 AM : Reply received |
- to see if you have a firewall
try iptables -L
or ipchains -L
webbie : 03/11/01 12:47 PM : More info provided |
- i do have a firewall, but there is no firewall setting in Licq.. or at least I can't find it, the only window I can find is Networking, and there is nothing about the firewall there ??
I even tried removing the firewall, but nothing different there.. the problem is sending messages, not recieving them ...
hope you can help
webbie : 03/11/01 01:24 PM : More info provided |
- the problem seems to be connecting to the other user, I tried to send through server, but the server doesn't reply or it times out...
and another thing is, that i can't choose server toi cennect to, the only server it will choose is
port: 4000
Linegod_7611 : 04/11/01 12:10 PM : Reply received |
- Under the Networking window in LICQ, there is a section titled 'Firewall'
that says 'I can recieve direct connections'.
Anyway, you might want to check your Network Status window for errors
(Menu/Network Window).
And you can edit your server in '/home/username/.licq/licq.conf'
webbie : 04/11/01 03:54 PM : More info provided |
- tried configuring other servers, didn't work....
anyone have som suggestions to ones I can try... the I can recieve direct connections is enabled... and here is a little capture of what happens when i try to send messages:
16:44:08: [WRN] Connect to [CON]Trust (26982904) failed:
Connection timed out.
16:44:08: [TCP] Connecting to [CON]Trust (26982904) at
16:45:13: [WRN] Reverse connect to 26982904 failed:
Connection timed out.16:45:26: [UDP] Pinging Mirabilis (#7347)...
16:45:26: [UDP] Ack (#7347).
the server I'm currently using is:
port 4000
still hoping :))
Linegod_7611 : 04/11/01 09:02 PM : Reply received |
- Can you send the message when you select 'Send through server'? Or is your
problem only with direct connections?
webbie : 05/11/01 10:28 AM : More info provided |
- I tried sending through server, but the receptient never recieves the message...
Linegod_7611 : 05/11/01 12:15 PM : Reply received |
- Lately, I've seen the same problems with ICQ/LICQ, over the last couple of
days, the problem seems to have gone away, and I believe it was a server
problem on ICQs part.
If you could wait another day, and post back if the problem still reoccurs,
it would be of assistance.
webbie : 06/11/01 03:01 PM : Incident closed |