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How to uninstall Linux ?

+/- details
User gc
Incident Number 1490
Date 2001/11/02 15:39
Status Reply received
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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gc : 02/11/01 03:39 PM : Incident created
-   How to uninstall Linux ?



DaveF : 02/11/01 04:00 PM : Reply received
-   The answer to that depends on whether your current Linux installation is
still working. I'll assume it is.

Login to the system as root and type

/sbin/lilo -u

to uninstall LILO from the MBR. Now, type

/sbin/fdisk /dev/hda

and, using the 'd' command, delete all of your Linux partitions one by one.
Then, write the new partition table with the 'w' command. Repeat the fdisk
procedure for other devices if you have other partitions on other physical
volumes. When you're completely done, reboot and you'll be penguin-free


stregone : 02/11/01 10:51 PM : Reply received
-   Boot from 1st installation CD of Linux Mandrake. Follow the installation
procedure up to the partitioning step. Use Diskdrake to destroy Linux
partitions and to resize Windows ones (if you have). Click on DONE and reboot.
Then, if you have it, boot Windows. From DOS or a terminal type: fdisk /mbr.
This will remove LiLo or GRUB...
Post scriptum: Why do you want to remove Linux?

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