Segmentation Fault on cdrom after upgrade to 8.1 f
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phill-wheadon : 02/11/01 02:44 AM : Incident created |
- I have run an upgrade from 8 to 8.1. Now any attempt to point a graphical file manager at /mnt
immediately causes the programme to exit. Konqueror will not even open anymore.
If I use the command line I can access other folders inside /mnt but /mnt/cdrom returns the error:
Segmentation fault. find / -name [filename] -print -mount also fails immediately.
I have also lost IPX networking - although this is a less serious problem at the moment.
Also - beware accepting the Internet on boot option - I mistyped the telephone number and
was unable to boot up - it seems there is no escape routine for a failed connection during boot.
An option which I accepted by accident in the first place.
Ongoing from 8 - failure of kppp to reset the correct default gateway for Internet access -
I have to do this manually - route add default gw aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
gc : 02/11/01 03:21 PM : Reply received |
- Your problem with /mnt is probably related to the unstable supermount that
comes with default 2.4 kernel of 8.1.
You have two solutions :
1- use a 2.2 kernel (latest 2.2.19 from kernel22 package in 8.1) or the 2.4
from Mandrake 8.0
2- disable supermount
I would advice solution (1).
Generally speaking doing an update leads to some problems. Personally I use /
and /home partitions, and I reinstall on / each time. I have a couple
configuration files to change that live on / but it's a matter of minutes.
phill-wheadon : 08/01/02 01:35 AM : Incident closed |
- I will disable the auto-mount as I am happy with the way USB support is running on the 2.4 kernel. Curiously the problem arose on another another machine after an upgrade to 8.1. I ran a fresh install and everything is fine. It seems the problem is triggered under a set of conditions determined by the previous version.
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