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Re incident 924 installing a web server

+/- details
User ab3
Incident Number 1359
Date 2001/11/01 11:50
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
ab3 : 01/11/01 11:50 AM : Incident created
-   I have still not been successful in installing a basic webserver using expert mode and high security as none of the selected services will start automatically. I've followed the advice given to add the services needed to the server.4 and server.5 files but still no success.

As I am planning to have the server installed remotely on a rented dedicated server, I really need to create a straight forward installation proceedure for a secure and functional server to give to the ISP for setting.

I have already pre-ordered the Pro-Suite edition which includes a special server installation disk. Although I am anxious to get my server installed as soon as possible would I be better to wait for the server installation disk to arrive?

Also it took 4 weeks for the first CDs to arrive. Will it be possible to download the server disk from your FTP as soon as it is ready rather than wait for the disk to be delivered?

Thank you for your help


Linegod_7611 : 01/11/01 12:32 PM : Reply received
-   Check the permissions on /var/www and /var/www/html and ensure that 'others' can view
these directories. Some mirrors already carry the 'Prosuite' CD, such as

ab3 : 03/11/01 12:00 PM : Incident closed

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