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Plz help - re:compiler - no acceptable cc found.

+/- details
User jahla
Incident Number 1357
Date 2001/11/01 11:25
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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jahla : 01/11/01 11:25 AM : Incident created
-   can anyone please enlighten a newbie as to a fix for this problem -- when attempting to ./configure anything i get the following error:

[checking for gcc... no
checking for cc... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH]

this has really caused me serious mental anguish as no information can be found concerning the compiler CC after searching LDP and various other sources. i would like to just rpm a new ver of gcc, but even that proves impossible with this deeply rooted problem. the component seems so necessary that i question my installation... i really like my little SNF box, but if i cant get a most basic element such as ./configure -> make -> make install to work then i will surely go insane! btw i found this hangup while attempting to install a third party identd on the linux server so that mirc on a windows client might function properly. any pointers on this topic are also welcome.

much thanks in advance to any and all assistance ~ jahla

Linegod_7611 : 01/11/01 12:29 PM : Reply received
-   Mandrake SNF was not meant to be used as a development platform, so gcc does not
automatically install. You can install the gcc RPM from the CD, or get it from a Cookfire
mirror, such as

jahla : 03/11/01 11:41 AM : Incident closed

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