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rh8x : 01/11/01 12:20 AM : Incident created |
- Postfix in LM 8.1...I can send, but not receive mail. I have IMAP/IPOP3 enabled and
configured the I have no TCP/IP issues.
Linegod_7611 : 01/11/01 12:43 AM : Reply received |
- pop and imap are controlled by 'xinetd'. Simply edit the script of the service you want to enable in '/etc/xinetd' and change 'disable
=yes' to 'disable = no' and then make sure 'xinetd' is running:
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd status
aaalex : 01/11/01 07:24 AM : More info requested |
- Hi,
postfix can only handle email that is sent to it via SMTP. If you want to
recieve mail, you either have to have a another mail transfer agent (MTA)
sending mail to you or configure a mail fetcher like fetchmail to
periodically check for mail somewhere on the Internet, fetch it and send it
to postfix via SMTP.
rh8x : 31/12/01 04:42 AM : More info provided |
- Let me be more clear. I have MDK 8.1 and installed Postfix all works fine speedwise inside the LAN(home network via cable modem with a static IP behind a d-link router/firewall) but outside my LAN it is VERY slow(close to 2 minutes) trying to access my email via a mail client(outlook) this same setup works flawlessly with a Win2k Server and a 3rd party Mail Server, but I'm not into paying for CALS within my home network thus I purchased MDK 8.1 Pro Suite. Any ideas what could be causing this slow down outside my LAN? I heard a reverse DNS issue could be the problem.
I can be reached at [email protected]
nswint : 12/01/02 03:04 AM : More info requested |
- if your router allows port forwarding have it send requests on port 25/SMTP
go to your computer. Check to see if your mx record points to your routers
ip address
rh8x : 13/01/02 08:18 PM : More info provided |
- Problem has been resolved, thanks to all that voiced an opinion.
There is a similar issue from a colleagues LAN setup. He can send and receive fine to his own, but when he tries to send to any other he gets a 554 error relaying denied. His is exactly as mine that works, this has stumped us! He tried to email to his account and my account and received the same 554 access denied relaying denied error.
Any ideas? Thanks!
rh8x : 13/01/02 08:20 PM : More info provided |
- His is exaclty as my that works, except his own domain info etc
Vellmont : 12/02/02 11:16 PM : More info requested |
- Can you provide some log files or bounce messages? It's pretty hard to
diagnose a problem like this without some specific information about what's
going on.
rh8x : 03/03/02 09:13 PM : Incident closed |
- None of the individuals should be allowed to answer ANY posted question.
I purchased Linux Mandrake Pro Suite 8.1 to save time and money, but it turns out the time I wasted to solve these issues(1 still not resolved)I could have purchased Windows 2000 Server(which works fine at work with the same setup as the Linux MDK setup at home)
Final note: Not worth the BS one gets when searching, FOREVER, for answers. Linux is a nice "hobby" until it has better support and the individuals that THINK they know everything get a better attitude about a simple quetsion being posted in a PUBLIC the way, RTFM is not what companies expect as primary support!