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Mandrake Online / Software Manager Update Proble

+/- details
User jkurgan
Incident Number 12957
Date 2002/02/01 20:35
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
jkurgan : 01/02/02 08:35 PM : Incident created
-   I seem to be having problems when trying to communicate online using my OS.

1) Mandrake Online - I have an account, yet I am never able to upload my configuration to the server.
2) SOftware Manager - I can communicate with the FTP and can successfully tell which applications and libraries need updating, but when I try to update them, Software Manager tells me "Bad, unreadable, or not found packages".

Please help?!?! Thank you very much.

John_Tegland : 04/02/02 11:03 PM : Reply received
-   1)mdk online seems to be working overtime these days. I was able to upload a
config today so give it another try.

2)It sounds like you may want to try a different mirror to download updates
off of.

Remember not to try a kernel upgrade with Software Manager.

jkurgan : 05/02/02 03:29 AM : Incident closed
-   I found that Mandrake Online is not very consistent. Keep re-trying to upload your configuration from
day to day. As far as software manager, be sure to have the exact address for FTP sites. The manager
can freeze and become a pain in the a$$.

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