Several questions re Mandrake and Linux in general
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jgmcbride : 01/02/02 04:56 PM : Incident created |
- Several questions in search of answers. Let me preface the questions by stating that I am not averse to using the command prompt.
If fact for the questions below I would prefer the command line method.
1. How do I find what version of Mandrake I have installed?
2. Ther kernel version that I have.
3. Downloading, for instance, the latest version of Samba. To what directory would one typically download it to? AAssume
RPM format. Sure I can download it to /home/xxx but where is it typically downloaded to? Now that I have it and use rpm to
install it to what directory does it install to? How can I be sure that the version I thought I just installed was actually installed? How
do I get rid of the old version? How can I be sure that the latest version is installed/loaded very time that I boot my computer?
4. On both 8.1 Prosuite and 8.1 (download versions) when I put the CD in the drive and go to the file browser I can not see the contents.
how do I ensure that it auto mounts every time I reboot.
5.How do I create a shortcut on the KDE desktop? I have been told that I can open the menu and simply right click and drag the
highlighted item to the desktop to create a shorcut. Doesn't work for me .... the highlighted item simply executes instead. Hints?
Tips? Also If I go to the KDE desktop and right click and attempt to create a shortcut then I need to know the file location of the
file that I am trying to execute. Often I do not know this. Reference my RPM question above. I do an RPM install but don't knwo where
it puts the file and what its name is so how can I know where to tell the shortcut the file locations9s).
Comment & rant: I find the various distro installs very easy. Seldom a problem at this level. Have even mastered Samba to a
great extent (working diligently on further understanding of the smbclient.conf possiblities). However almost everything else I find
very frustrating. A million little things requiring answers. I do quite a bit of reading and research on the Web (luckily I have the
time to do so) and always seem to come up that little bit short for an answer.
Appreciate anyones help, assistance.
louiscipher : 07/03/02 01:15 AM : Reply received |
- for #4 you'll want to add auto to the /etc/fstab
/dev/hd* /mnt/cdrom auto -auto-,user,exec,ro 0 0
Yours will look something similar, but that will force the computer to load
/mnt/cdrom/ on startup EVERYTIME!(just please remove the the dashes... i put
that in for emphasis!)
#5) don't right click, left click and drag to desktop. You will get a menu
(much like the right-click drag in windows) and go from there!
#3) when installing through RPM i usuly put in as arguments -Uvh. And the -U
is known as "update" for the most part. Do that and you should be alright!
#1 #2) this is kind of a cop out answer, cause i don't really know the
commands for this. But if you go to a normal console, that information will be
right there
ctl alt "F3", and it'll be right there.
hope these helps!
jgmcbride : 17/03/02 05:01 PM : Incident closed |
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