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Telnet to Solaris Problem

+/- details
User astrosoc
Incident Number 1291
Date 2001/10/31 22:02
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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astrosoc : 31/10/01 10:02 PM : Incident created
-   When I telnet using telnet from Mandrake 8.1 to a Solaris 2.6 box I get the login prompt (for the username). I then enter to username (which appears on the screen) but when I press enter the character just returns to the beginning of the same line! (NOTE: a tcpdump shows that no packets emanates from Solaris box after it recieves the return). However when I copy the telnet from Mandrake 8.0 all goes as usual. this affects gnome-telnet as well. Can anyone help?

Linegod_7611 : 01/11/01 12:25 AM : Reply received
-   I am unsure if this problem has been resolved with new releases of telnet in Cooker, but is has been reported that people have
resolved this by 'downgrading' to the telnet RPM from 8.0

astrosoc : 09/11/01 12:40 PM : Incident closed
-   The bug also affects access to HP-UX 10.20 as well. Upgrading to the latest rpm from cooker does fix the problem. Thanks.

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