linux to windows
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varpabrafc : 30/10/01 03:33 PM : Incident created |
- Hello,
As you can import windows msoffice doc and notepad text files and copy their content on to the staroffice or advanced text editor files. Is it possible to do the reverse, e.i. copy staroffice or texteditor files to the windows msoffice or notepad files? If yes How?
Varun P.
UncleJens : 30/10/01 03:45 PM : Reply received |
- In Staroffice, go to the File menu and select "Save as" In the Save as
window, change the filetype to MS Word X.X (depending on the version you
want to save it as. You can also save as plain text documents in StarOffice.
Linegod_7611 : 30/10/01 03:51 PM : Reply received |
- Text files will be created as ASCII files, so should be able to be read by
any text reader (Notepad, VIM, Advanced Text Editor, etc). For best results
when exporting from StarOffice, export the file as one of the earlier
versions of Word, or if formating is not important, export it as a text or
HTML file, and MS Office will be able to read it.
MandrakeSoft : 30/10/01 05:09 PM : Reply received |
- Hello,
When suing staroffice save the files as rtf or doc files that windows supports.
And from the text editor save the files as filename.txt
This should allow you to go between systems using the standards.
Best regards,
The technical support team.
varpabrafc : 02/11/01 10:06 AM : Incident closed |
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