Mandriva Expert
The place where your Mandriva Linux system finds support

Installation or upgrade using CDs

+/- details
User varpabrafc
Incident Number 1031
Date 2001/10/30 04:06
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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varpabrafc : 30/10/01 04:06 AM : Incident created
-   Hello,

When you reinstall or upgrade linux and boot,
you see in the dual boot menu :


1. Why does that happen? Doesn't it overwrite like windows?

2. How would you then remove the old linux, old failsafe,
old linux-nonfb?


Varun Pabrai

Linegod_7611 : 30/10/01 04:40 AM : Reply received
-   No, it doesn't overwrite the kernels, in case you need to go back to an old working version.
If your system is running fine, and you want to get rid of the old settings, go to
'K/Configuration/Other/Mandrake Control Center/Boot/Boot Config' and click on 'Configuration'.
This program will allow you to remove the old settings.

varpabrafc : 30/10/01 02:23 PM : Incident closed

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