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Static IP address but DHCP for DNS?

+/- details
User alangowitz
Incident Number 10073
Date 2002/01/10 23:15
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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alangowitz : 10/01/02 11:15 PM : Incident created
-   I have a LAN connected to the internet through a router and a cable modem.

Can I assign a static IP address on my internal LAN to my Linux machine, while still getting DNS IP addresses from my router's DHCP service?

Under RedHat I had no problem doing this, but under Mandrake using netconf I seem to get all or nothing (both IP and DNS static or both via DHCP).

louiscipher : 06/03/02 05:29 AM : Reply received
-   There is a file /etc/resolv.conf

so just go and put in "nameserver 'ipadd'"

ipadd= ip address of the dns you wish to use.

I believe this will allow you to still receive dns numbers from DHCP, but
i'm not positive.

Good luck, and let me know how things go

alangowitz : 15/04/02 02:26 PM : More info provided
-   Thank you, Bryce!

Sorry it took me so long to notice your response.

I went to /etc/resolv.conf and replaced the "nameserver" lines that were
there (and referred explicitly to the name servers I want to get from DHCP, not explicitly) with the line:

ipadd <IP address of my router>

and everything is working fine.

I am especially appreciative of your response because the ipadd feature in resolv.conf is not mentioned in the man page!


alangowitz : 15/04/02 02:27 PM : Incident closed

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