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andymeigs : 30/10/01 12:39 AM : Incident created |
- Installed 8.1 Powerpack 'successfully' (replacing a working 8.1 download edition which had replaced a working 8.0 Powerpack). At reboot kernel loads and at the 'penguin' screen for starting X the screen flashes for about 2 minutes and the prints the following message: 'INIT: Id "x" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes.' This will continue ad infinitum. However, if between pauses one enters as root at the console level and looks at /root/install.log then things become clearer-- at the end of the log the following lines appear: 'NVIDIA_kernel-2.4.8-26mdk-1.0-1512.2mdk.i586.rpm... depmod: Can't open /lib/module/2.4.8-24mdkmdkboot/modules.dep'. Looks like the NVIDIA kernel module failed to install. Actually, if one tries 'xstart' at the console level then the message (close to verbatim) is NVIDIA kernel failed...
This looks to be a major failure. My system in the past worked with the generic NVIDIA GeForce2 driver which appears to be absent now (after trying to reinstall in expert mode and then using xfconfig). I might add that at no point in the x-config step of installation was I able to test the configuration (which under 8.1 Download and 8.0 Powerpack I was able to do).
So what do you think I can do to fix the situation short of reinstalling 8.1 Download?
My (nearly) full system configuration is:
KT7A-Raid motherboard
900 MHz Athlon Thunderbird
IBM 42GB 7200RPM IDE100 drive at ide channel 4 (hdg1 and hdg6 as / and /home)
IBM 45GM 72000 IDE100 Drive at ide channel 3 (hde)-- for windoze
ELSA Gladiac GeForce2 32MB DDR graphics card
Creative Soundblaster Live 5.1 Platinum sound card
Generic (?) Ethernet card
I had to write this using windows.
PS> since 8.1 Download lilo will not work on the boot sector of hde. I can set it for hdg and use hdg as the boot disk with no problem, but on hde it crashes-- if I fdisk /mbr hde in dos then I can get to windows...
Linegod_7611 : 30/10/01 04:43 AM : Reply received |
- At the command line, run 'XFdrake' to reconfigure your video card. Once it is reconfigured,
reboot the system.
markoff : 30/10/01 10:35 AM : Reply received |
- You need to download the latest nvidia driver version on the nvidia web site.
I have experienced that you can't use the rpm automatic install because, in
my case the setup don't create link with module dependencies and over file
copy. You seems to have the same pb. So after download the driver on the web
site, take the time to read the install step by step procedure. It's a good
doc. where you can find a check list of all files needed in all directorys,
for a good install. It's with this list that i find the rpm install (via
software manager) forget some link file. If you do what, there must be no
problem to run XFREE 4 with Nvidia processor.
andymeigs : 30/10/01 04:20 PM : More info provided |
- Linegod-- good suggestion, but on entering XFdrake I get "An error has occurred. (EE) NVIDIA(0): failed to initialize the NVIDIA driver kernel module. (EE) NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting***". I can then change monitor, graphics driver, resolutions etc. I selected the NVIDIA Generic driver and the Generic Monitor 1600x1200 at 76Hz (I have an Ilyama S900MT1 which is not on the monitors list, but can do 1600x1200 at 80Hz). However, once I have selected the monitor and video card, not combination of resolution/color depth will test ok. All come back with an error. Eventually, I quit XFDrake and somehow the "x" worked to bring up the login screen and KDE at 640x480/very low colors-- I then tried XFDrake here and got the NVIDIA kernel error on every test (ie a little more info than the console version, but it still failed). I think I will need to try the suggestion of the next person to reply about downloading the NVIDIA drivers. But as a gripe -- why did the driver in the Mandrake 8.1 Powerpack not work. Under 8.0 and 8.1 Download the video card was happy (maybe not optimized but happy). However, thanks for the suggestion about XFDrake-- it did show that there really is a problem with the driver.
vodka : 30/10/01 07:25 PM : Reply received |
- try installing from source. get the nvidia kernel tarball from the nvidia site. Make sure you have the kernel sources installed in /usr/src/linux. Then go into the Nvidia kernel dir and do a 'make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/linux/include'.
That should do it.
oper10 : 01/11/01 10:39 PM : More info requested |
andymeigs : 02/11/01 01:08 AM : More info provided |
- Ok, tried the installing via the NVIDIA rpms for the NVIDIA kernel-1541 and the GLX module-- as Markoff said this does not work. XFdrake still shows the NVIDIA kernel error. Next tried a tarball make without any options-- nope get an error reporting that '#error Modules should never use kernel-headers system headers #error but headers from an appropriate kernel-source' as reported on page 43 bottom of the NVIDIA Release notes 10. The Release notes go on to say that the source for the Linux kernel needs to be installed. Tried this using the .src.rpm from the Mandrake 8.1 cd's. hmmm. where did it go. Ok downloaded from a kernel mirror the 2.4.8 sources in tarball form, unpacked them and tried to use the fix on page 46 of the Release notes (Vodka's sysinclude=... using the directory where I put the kernel-- /home/andymeigs/linux-kernel248/include/linux. Nope-- this does not work same '#error Modules...'. OK- wits end. IN /usr/include there are header files -- did a diff on these with /home/andymeigs/linux-kernel248/include/ -- only one element from /home/andymeigs/linux-kernel248/include/ was not in /usr/include and that was ../include/linux/video. There were a few differences in the files (ie looks like one set had the GPL notices stripped?). SO-- as a relative newby I don't know what I am doing wrong. I asked a friend to download the NVIDIA drivers to his system (a self-compiled kernel) and run make-- no problem-- but he has 2.4.10. I thought I would be getting close as both Markoff and Vodka were on the money and the NVIDIA manual is reasonable.
Thanks to them for the assistance.
andymeigs : 02/11/01 10:14 AM : More info provided |
- Awesome after browsing the Mandrake Forum (from windows) last night until 2am I found just the fix provided by 'Afrosheen' -- his rebuildt RPM's for the NVIDIA kernel 1541 and MD8.1 installed like a charm when the source from tarballs would not! After consulting the NVIDIA example XF86config I modified my own XF86Config-4 and 'wham/bam/thank you mam' XFdrake did not crash, the display tested ok (even with the nvidia splash screen) and I am off and running from Mandrake 8.1 with KDE running right now. MANY THANKS to markoff, vodka, oper10 and most especially to Afrosheen!
PS> now I can start tweeking the setup up so that I can play Unreal Tournament and Quake which will put me further away from using windows!:)
andymeigs : 02/11/01 10:17 AM : More info provided |
- Sorry I forgot to add for the Manddrake Corp listeners-- how about including Afrosheen's rpm's in the boxed editions to save other upgraders/new users this frustration?
jbenson : 10/01/02 02:30 AM : Reply received |
- I have a similar set up that you do and I ran into the exact same situation. I
diagnosed that the problem was that the NVdriver module was not being loaded
properly when using modprobe.
To fix this, I had to manually add the NVdriver to the modules.dep file. The
(relevant) modules.dep file is going to be in the directory
/lib/modules/{kernel_release}, where kernel_release is equal to the kernel you
are loading (try `uname -r', to determine).
The line you need to add is:
Don't forget the `:' at the end!
This solved the problem completely for me.
There may be a more efficient/preferable way of getting the NVdriver added to
modules.dep or to get it to load correctly but this at least works.
andymeigs : 09/03/02 04:20 PM : Incident closed |