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Man: No manual entry

+/- details
User Johnson_Z_3180
Incident Number 104087
Date 2008/06/03 08:44
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Johnson_Z_3180 : 03/06/08 08:44 AM : Incident created
-   I installed these two package:

but still has problem on run man command.
What manual page do you want?
#man urpmi
No manual entry for urpmi

I tried to reinstall the package, but it does not help. Any think I've missed? Please help.



JoesCat2_8238 : 04/06/08 05:01 AM : Reply received
-   Did you install mandriva with normal desktop user security
settings or did you install with a higher security level?

Some manual pages are out of reach of the "normal desktop user"
and only accessible by the root "super user", for example:
$ man urpmi <-normal user
No manual entry for urpmi
$ su <-normal user becomes super user
Password: ********
# man urpmi
---------{now it is displayed, press q to exit}---------
# exit <-resturn back to normal user again


Johnson_Z_3180 : 04/06/08 05:45 AM : More info requested
-   Actually I am using Mandriva 2007 flash; I am not sure which security level I
am, but I tried on both normal user and root user, the results are same: No
manual entry...

[root@deepblue~]# uname -a
Linux deepblue 2.6.17-11mdvlegacy #1 SMP Tue Feb 13 12:34:54 MST 2007 i686
Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz GNU/Linux
[root@deepblue~]# uname
[root@deepblue~]# man
What manual page do you want?
[root@deepblue~]# man urpmi
No manual entry for urpmi

It does not have the basic entries as well:
[root@deepblue~]# man ls
No manual entry for ls
[root@deepblue~]# man rm
No manual entry for rm


JoesCat2_8238 : 04/06/08 06:35 AM : More info requested
-   I do not have a flash drive so I cannot give you a good answer
based on knowledge, but I could guess and understand why it
might "not" be on the flash drive.

A flash drive has very limited space to have everything you would
want on it. If I was to recommend a harddrive install from CD or
DVD, I would recommend 4GB of empty space minimum just for the
root drive and an additional 1GB for your home drive. Even the
manuals take up a fair bit of space despite being compressed

1st, you should ask yourself if you really need the manuals on
the flash drive, or if you are okay simply looking them up using
google, for example typing into google these 3 words:
urpmi manual mandriva
found this
You may need to hunt a little for some of the other commands, but
you may find manuals on the internet as well.

If you really want the manual on your flash, check to see how
much remaining empty space you have on the flash drive using the
command df and decide if you want to add the manual. The easiest
way I could think of adding the required manuals would be to copy
it from an existing linux desktop setup (if you already have
mandriva installed on a computer using a CD or DVD. You will find
the manuals (after they have been installed) located
in /usr/share/man which contains several man subfolders. If you
ls -l /usr/share/man
you will find these folders (with permissions drwxr-xr-x)
cat5/ de.UTF-8/ fr.UTF-8/ man1p/ man3p/ man6/ man9/
cat8/ en/ man0p/ man2/ man4/ man7/ mann/
de/ fr/ man1/ man3/ man5/ man8/ ru/

each of the folders above contain man pages and you will find
several urpmi pages in /usr/share/man/man8
(note the list below is for a DVD install of 2008.0)
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6983 2008-01-02 10:15 urpmi.8.lzma
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4458 2008-01-02 10:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7075 2008-01-02 10:15 urpmihowto.8.lzma
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2263 2008-01-02 10:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2892 2008-01-02 10:15 urpmi.update.8.lzma

In terms of the security level, I don't know if the flash drive
gives you a choice, but I would suppose you are probably set to
the desktop level #2. I would recommend you leave it at the level
it is now since the higher security levels will cause beginners
and novice users a bit of grief (google mandriva msec to learn
more, but leave it alone for now) ;-|

I don't have a flash drive, but I hope this helped answer your
Jose Da Silva


Johnson_Z_3180 : 04/06/08 08:57 AM : More info requested
-   Thanks a lot JoesCat2_507, it took you lots of time for writing solution for
me. I really appreciated. I had a 8G memory stick with Mandriva 2007.0 flash
system on it; It is very handle because I set up my own environment and can
bring it to any where, specially for work.

I have fixed the problem, but you definitely give me a guide. I checked the
path /usr/share/man, found the man1-man8 folders are existed, but some
folders are empty and some folders has few files end by .bz2, for example:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Mar 7 2007 accept.8.bz2 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Mar 7 2007 disable.8.bz2 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Mar 7 2007 enable.8.bz2 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Mar 7 2007 lpc.8.bz2 -> /etc/alternatives/lpc.8.bz2

Normally, everything residing in */bin* and */sbin* _should_ have a /man/
page installed. Mandriva may of course have "forgotten" to include some of
the required packages. And donot know why even use urpmi man-package &#8211;auto to
install the man-pages file, but it does not work probably.

Finally I found a solution. I go to to
download the The latest version is man-pages-2.79.tar.gz (2.6Mb), made a copy
and replaced the current /usr/share/man, then it is working. However it is
not particularly designed for Mandriva, so some command such urpmi does not
have a man page. I am happy for this; at least I can use it when internet
connection is unavailable.


Johnson_Z_3180 : 04/06/08 08:58 AM : Incident closed

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