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VMware 64 bit client Installation problem

+/- details
User eprcmr_903
Incident Number 102865
Date 2008/02/26 01:06
Status Reply received
Paid No

Product 2008 Power Pack
Architecture x86_64
Scope Other Components

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eprcmr_903 : 26/02/08 01:06 AM : Incident created
-   Hi all,

I have installed VMware Workstation 6.02 (64 bit rpm) on a
64bit dual core intel x86_64 HP computer running mandriva 2008 and
have problems installing a 64 bit client. I already have it working on 64 bit Mandriva 2007.

The x86_64 rpm installs correctly.
The configuration tool cannot find modules for the appropriate SMP kernel
so builds the various modules.
Each kernel module compiles correctly, and is compatible (tested correctly after compilation) with the 64 bit kernel.
vmware starts properly, but when you insert a 64 bit CD of openSuSE 10.3 (havent tried different OS's) it complains that this computer is a 32 bit computer and you cannot install 64 bit operating systems!

uname -a clearly shows that it is a 64 bit computer!

Interestingly if you run their software to check for 64 bit, it correctly determines the type of computer and states that 64 bit os's can run under vmware.

Any thoughts on why vmware is misbehaving.

Thanks in advance



NixLeader_3971 : 29/02/08 11:29 PM : Reply received
-   Are you shure, that you selected 64-bit variant for guest OS in vmware?

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