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+/- details
User Geoff_Brunner_1014
Incident Number 102864
Date 2008/02/26 01:04
Status Incident created
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Geoff_Brunner_1014 : 26/02/08 01:04 AM : Incident created
-   Downloaded Software to my desktop as an ISO file, Copied it to a DVD as an image file, so far so good. Have an older HP Laptop that should be ideal for Linux. It currently has Windows 2000 on it, and it works. Put the DVD in the Laptop, it runs, very, very, very slowly. Gives me an error that it can't write a file that it seems to need. If it runs at all it is pitfully slow then dies.

My question: How do I partion the drive for Linux and how do I copy the file(s) on to it?

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